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CrossFit Performance WOD 18/12/2015 – CrossFit Rotown
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CrossFit Performance WOD 18/12/2015 – CrossFit Rotown

Coach Gino Goossens
17 december 2015 - Auteur: Coach Gino Goossens Categorieën: CF Performance en Workout of the day.

Odd: 14m Death Marches (20/15)
Even: 6 HSPU

B. Barefoot Romanian Deadlift; 6-8×4, @20×0, rest 90s
*Focus here is on weight through the heels to load the hamstrings and ‘feel’ this happening. This will help HUGELY and transition to Olympic lifts.
6 rounds of:
1 minute of alternating box step ups (24/20)
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of KBS [24/16]
1 minute rest

Record total amount of reps

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