CrossFit Workout Of The Day Competition
A. Four sets, not for time, of:
- Handstand Push Ups x 10-12 reps (strict – go to a 2″ deficit if this rep range is easy)
- Strict Supinated-Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 7-9 reps @ 21X1
- L-sit on rings or L-hang from bar 60-75s
B. Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes:
- Minute 1 – 7 Thrusters @42.5/35 + 6 TTB
- Minute 2 – 6 Push Press @70-75% + 6 Burpees over bar
- Minute 3 – 100m Run w/medball (9/6)
C. Four sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 4 reps @ 20X1; Rest as needed [heavier than previous week]
D. Four sets of:
- Back Extensions @4022; -2 Max (stop 2 reps short of max set from previous week)
- Rest as needed
- Hollow Hold x 75 seconds
- Rest as needed