Nutrition Preparation: Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week. Read about “Food matters big-time in CrossFit“. lees meer...
Reacties (0)Zaterdag 20 februari en zaterdag 5 maart vinden de kwalificaties voor de Walterscup Throwdown plaats in onze box. In het totaal gaan 8 teams uit onze box proberen de finale te bereiken! lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Clean & Jerk; build to a heavy single 12:00 B. For time: 30 Front Squats @50% of back squat [bar starts from the ground - no racks] + 3 attempts to run 200m in as fast as possible; rest 3:00 b/t efforts lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Clean & Jerk; build to a heavy single 12:00 B. For time: 30 Front Squats @50% of back squat [bar starts from the ground - no racks] + 3 attempts to run 200m in as fast as possible; rest 3:00 b/t efforts lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. EMOM 6 2 TNG Deadlifts [heavy but maintaing solid positioning] B. EMOM7 7-8 HSPU lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. EMOM 6 2 TNG Deadlifts [heavy but maintaing solid positioning] B. EMOM7 5-6 C2B [unbroken] lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. EMOM 6 2 TNG Deadlifts [heavy but maintaing solid positioning] B. EMOM7 6-7 Pullups -or- 9 Single Arm Ring Rows/side lees meer...
Reacties (0)60 sec. max shoulders taps 30 sec rest 60 sec max push ups 30 sec rest 60 sec max Jumping Squats (knees-at-ground) lees meer...
Reacties (0)AMRAP12 150 Wall Balls 90 Double Unders 30 Muscle Ups / Ring Dips / Dips / Push Ups lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Power Snatch; build to a heavy TNG double in 12:00 B. 40s AMRAP Pullups Rest 20s 40s AMRAP TTB/K2E lees meer...
Reacties (0)