"Working in Pairs:AMRAP30*P1: 3x Bear Complex (60/40)Power CleanFront SquatPush PressBack SquatPush Pressx3P2: Rest*Swap after each partner completes 3 cycl lees meer...
Reacties (0)"Working in Pairs:AMRAP30*P1: 3x Bear Complex Power CleanFront SquatPush PressBack SquatPush Pressx3P2: Rest*Swap after each partner completes 3 cycles. Can lees meer...
Reacties (0)"A. EMOM27Min 1: 5-6 Back Squat @75%Min 2: 4-5 Weighted Pullups @ 85% of max Min 3: 5-6 Push Jerk B1. TGU + Windmill x5; rest 30s/armB2. 30 Wall Facing Shou lees meer...
Reacties (0)"A. EMOM27Min 1: Walking Lunges (aim for 42+ steps)Min 2: 8 Ring Rows w/2sec pause at the topMin 3: 10 Heavy RKBS B1. TGU + KB Windmill x3; rest 30s/armB2. lees meer...
Reacties (0)"A. EMOM30Min 1: Reverse Walking Lunges (aim for 42+ steps)Min 2: Back Squats @ 85% x 5 repsMin 3: 10 Heavy RKBS lees meer...
Reacties (0)Mobility workChoose 1-2 Squat Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.Our video of the Squat Flow can be found lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Free Standing Hand Stand Practice- 10 Minutes *Against wall - shoulder taps also B. Strict Press- 3,3,3,3,3; build across sets; rest 90sC. For Time: 21-15-9 x 2 lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Free Standing Hand Stand Practice- 10 MinutesStart to practice walking if possibleB. Strict Press- 3,3,3,3,3; build across sets; rest 90sC. For Time:15-1 lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Front Squat; build to a tough 5 reps @20x1; rest as neededEvery 90s for 5 sets:4 @90% of AEvery 75s for 5 sets:3@85% of AB. EMOM18Odd: 1x CGBP @90% + 1x lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Segmented Clean Grip Deadlift from a 2" defecit5x1.1; reset between reps; rest 2:30/setB. Push Press3x5; build across sets; all above 77.5% of last max*F lees meer...
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