A. Every 90s for 5 sets:50s Double Under WorkB. 25 Minute AMRAP:12 C2B Pullups20 Alternating Jumping Lunges7 Strict HSPU400M RunC. V-Ups- Max Unbroken x3; r lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Every 90s for 5 sets:50s Double Under WorkB. 25 Minute AMRAP:Strict Pull-Ups / 8 Elevated Feet Ring Rows, Tough20 Alternating Jumping Lunges7 Pushups on lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. EMOM102x TNG Power SnatchKeep these fast but tough should be around 80%B. EMOM92x Snatch PullsNot touch and go reps, build across sets and reset between lees meer...
Reacties (0)A1. Kipping Knees-To-Elbows- 7-8x5; rest 30s+A2. Snap-To-Hollow- 6x5, R30s B. Hang Snatch- 4x1.1; rest 90s*Reset each repC. 15 Minute AMRAP15 Wall-Balls15 T lees meer...
Reacties (0)A1. Kipping Knees-To-Elbows- 7-8x5; rest 30s+A2. Snap-To-Hollow- 6x5, R30sB. Hang Power Snatch- 4x1.1; rest 90s*Reset each repC. 15 Minute AMRAP15 KBS (24/1 lees meer...
Reacties (0)OFF/Z1/CATCHUP *Mobility workChoose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Our video of the Thoracic Flow lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. Every 90s for 8 sets:Power clean + hang squat clean + Split jerkStart at 60% of squat clean and add 2.5kg each round+5 min @ 85%:2 Power Clean @ 90%4 kbs lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. EMOM6Odd: 15 Russian KB Swings, Tough Even: 10 Squat Jumps w/very light DBB. Good Mornings- 2-4x6, @20x0, rest 90s C. 6 sets on a 45s work/ 45s rest inte lees meer...
Reacties (0)A. EMOM6Odd: 15 Russian KB Swings, Tough Even: 10 Squat Jumps w/very light DBB. Good Mornings- 2-4x6, @20x0, rest 90s C. 6 sets on a 45s work/ 45s rest inte lees meer...
Reacties (0)Working in Pairs:AMRAP30*8 Deadlift8 Hang Power Clean8 Front Squat8 STOHRun 200mOnly one partner works at a time - can't let go of the bar once you've start lees meer...
Reacties (0)