Working in Pairs:AMRAP30*1 Rope Climb10 Cal Row15 Pushups6 STOH (50/35)Only one partner works at a time lees meer...
Reacties (0)Working in Pairs:AMRAP30*1 Supine to standing rope climb (partner towel supine ...)10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull / 10 Cal row10 Pushups6 STOH (42.5/30)Only one lees meer...
Reacties (0)In Pairs:*One person working at a time25 Minute AMRAP:2 Power Snatch (60/40)2 Overhead Squat (60/40)2 Muscle Ups* Add two reps each round lees meer...
Reacties (0)In Pairs:*One person working at a time25 Minute AMRAP:2 Power Snatch (50/35)2 Overhead Squat (50/35)2 Toes-To-Bar* Add two reps each round lees meer...
Reacties (0)In Pairs:*One person working at a time25 Minute AMRAP:2 Alternating DB Snatches, Tough2 Double KB Front Rack Squats, Tough2 Ball Slams* Add two reps each ro lees meer...
Reacties (0)OFF/Z1/CATCHUPFor those who are training today:For time:15 squat cleans 30 toes-to-bars30 box jumps, 24/20-inch box15 muscle-ups30 shoulders-to-overheads 30 lees meer...
Reacties (0)CrossFit Rotown Rotterdam: Trainingplan CompetitionA. Front Squat; build to a tough 6 reps @20x1; rest as neededThen4x6 @90% of AB. EMOM20Odd: 1x CGBP @85%+ lees meer...
Reacties (0)CrossFit Rotown Rotterdam: Workout of the DayA. 10:00 free handstand practiceB. Press- 8x4; build across sets; rest 90sC. For Time:21-15-9Front Squats (60/4 lees meer...
Reacties (0)CrossFit Rotown Rotterdam: Workout of the DayA. Free Standing Hand Stand Practice- 10 Minutes*Against wallB. Press- 8x4; build across sets; rest 90sC. For T lees meer...
Reacties (0)CrossFit Rotown Rotterdam: Trainingplan CompetitionA. Segmented Clean Grip Deadlift from a 2" defecit5x1.1.1; reset between reps; rest 2:00/setB. Push Press lees meer...
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